Indoor Air Quality Can Cause Health Problems

Contact the team at HeatCool today!

Are you worried about the quality of the air you breathe?

Whilst we all too aware of the effects of pollution in our cities, don’t assume that you indoor environment is any safer.

According to the EPA, the air within homes and other buildings can often be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialised cities.

Indoor air pollution is known to cause major health problems, including asthma and the transmission of air-borne viruses.

At risk individuals, such as children, the elderly and people with chronic illnesses who are exposed to indoor air for the long periods of time are often those most vulnerable to the effects of indoor air pollution.

Most indoor air pollution comes from sources within the building that release gases or particles into the air. Sources like new building materials, paints and air fresheners release pollution continuously, including dangerous Volatile Organic Compounds  (VOCs). Other sources like tobacco smoke and wood-burning stoves are also related to these polluting activities. Although some indoor air pollutants have been around for years, they often were weakened by outdoor air seeping into the home. Today, more energy-efficient homes are not allowing sufficient outdoor air to enter, as we seal our buildings to improve the energy efficiency.

Without the inclusion of additional fresh air ventilation, this is having a detrimental effect on the quality of air that is trapped within our homes and buildings. So we are seeing build up of dangerous gases such as Carbon Dioxide and VOCs, plus an increase in particulate matter within our ducts systems.

What Can you do:

  • Have your indoor air quality tested to measure levels of dangerous gases
  • Assess the need to provide additional fresh air ventilation into your environment
  • Clean and sanitise duct work and air filters in heating and cooling systems
  • Install return air filters in your ducted systems

If you are worried about the quality of the air you breathe?

Contact HeatCool today to assess your indoor air quality. CONTACT US



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Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program

DSV Air has recently merged with HeatCool. We are still able to help you with all of your requirements, so please contact us on 03 9797 0505.